Introducing Jackfruit, the Wonderfruit(TM) of the World

Jackfruit on a Tree - Global Village Fruits.JPG

The Basics: Jackfruit is the world’s largest tree-borne fruit! It belongs to the mulberry family and is a close relative of the breadfruit, but not the durian, despite a similar outward appearance.

An Awesome "Natural Resource": The jackfruit is an unparalleled resource for food security. In Kerala, India, is has been documented that a standard jackfruit tree bears 250 to 300 10-kilogram fruits per year. That’s 2.5 to 3 tons of food annually.

Beyond that, jackfruit is a boon for the environment. It grows organically, requiring no fertilizers or pesticides. It grows quickly, tolerates three to four months of drought, and has no major pests. It requires so little labor (in proper climates) that it is intercropped with various crops simply to provide them with shade. 

The Jack of All Fruits(TM): The bulbs of a ripe jackfruit were the inspiration for Juicyfruit’s original flavor. Their taste is a blend of mango, pineapple, and banana flavors. These bulbs are loaded with potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. The seeds of the jackfruit can be peeled, dried, and pulverized to produce gluten-free flour, chutney powder, or a thickening agent. When unripe, the whole inside of the jackfruit--seeds, bulbs, and protective fibers—can be sliced and diced and used as a “vegetable meat.” In fact, where jackfruit grows, the unripe jackfruit is already used as a meat substitute in many delicious recipes, thanks to its meat-like taste and texture. (Check out our recipes page!)

Why Global Village Fruit(TM)? Jackfruit is under-researched and underutilized on a global scale, and one of the regions of the greatest wastage is India. There, 75% of the fruit goes to waste, largely for lack of processing infrastructure, refrigerated supply chains, and connections between farmers and markets. That's why Global Village Fruit is on the scene, building international supply chains for jackfruit, this world's wonderfruit.